
What is Microneedling?
Microneedling is a treatment in which small micro-damages are made in the skin with a pen. These damages are closed by our skin with collagen. Collagen is a protein that occurs naturally in our skin, it ensures that our skin is nice and firm and smooth.
Sometimes a Microneedling treatment may not be applied at all or only with the agreement of the GP. The treatment should not be used in the following indications.
- Irritated skin
- In case of a house infection or fungal infection
- Active acne
- Active rosacea (recognizable by the red bumps)
- On eczema spots
- Psoriasis (this in connection with Koebner Syndrome, an outbreak of psoriasis after skin damage)
- Actinic keratoses (dry, rough spots from sun damage)
- (skin) cancer (also in remission)
- Open wounds or sores (including cold sores)
- Clients with blood clotting problems
- Raised warts and moles should be spared
- In diabetes
- When using immune-suppressing medicines, ask your doctor for approval.
- It is not recommended to treat customers who are infected with the HIV virus.
After treatment
- Explains to the customer that they will have to wait the next few hours due to work hours. Bacteria transfer must be prevented to touch the face with hands.
- Avoid the 24 hours: sauna, swimming, sun(nebank) and sports(bacteria and sweating).
- Do not take a bath within 24 hours, only shower (bath water contains many bacteria)
- Wash the treated area with water only for 24 hours.
When do you choose Microneedling?
Microneedling is a wonderful treatment and is used for:
- Skin aging / wrinkles
- Scars
- Coarse pores
- Pigmentation
- With raised scars, the treatment is slightly different, then the scar can be treated every 2 weeks.